Sunday, February 11, 2007

Thanks everyone for your comments. This is how they work. When you leave a comment it is not posted right away. It is sent to me via email and I have the option to publish it or not.

Hmmm. Since they were all kindly I published them. You can look on the Blog now and they show up just fine. I think there are 7 all told.

This system seems to provide for those who elect to brow-beat the Blog's author. He can simply not publish their rant!! Cool!

Oh yes, "long in the tooth" as explained by my dental hygienist came from the common problem old folks have of the gums receding thus making the teeth look longer!! So now you know 'the rest of the story'.

Oh yes, please put at least your last name on the comments. Thanks.



At 9:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Long in the tooth, means old, over the hill. It refers to horses! As horses get older, their gums receed as do ours, giving the teeth a longer appearance. When buying a horse always examine the teeth to help determine its age, since often times a horse trader is not to be trusted. If the roots are exposed, or the teeth seem exceptionally long, perhaps the horse is past its prime.

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHAH! I found the blog!
Thanks for the msg., grandpa. Look forward to reading. Peace and love.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

Nice material. and well written prose too.

I lost my e-mail program, and need your e-mail address.

Would you please e-mail me at ?



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