Sunday, March 11, 2007

What a frustrating week! In an attempt to upgrade this computer since the hard disk drive was getting pretty crowded as well as pretty old I purchase a much bigger drive with all the modern bells and whistles. I downloaded a program that is supposed to make it a snap to clone all the stuff on the old drive over to the new one. Did it work? Well, almost. It did clone everything over without a whimper. BUT (isn't there always one in the computer world?) the new drive wouldn't boot. In other words, when I made the new drive the master controlling drive and tried to turn the machine on, it would not go into Windows or much of anything else for that matter. Grrrrr!

I have spent an inordinate amount of my time, as well as my patient friend Charles' time trying to solve this problem, all to no avail! We have tried many different settings and techniques. I've even resorted to going online to various forums seeking outside help and tried some of their suggestions. Still, the drive will not boot. I even called my guru grandson and he is stumped too. Well, on to Plan B.

I'm presently using the old drive as the boot drive and have moved over to the new drive all my data, photo, and music files. This is working and should continue to do so until the old drive gives up the ghost! Then I'll have to create a new bootable drive or boot from a CD! Fortunately, I have room on the new drive to backup everything remaining on the old drive. Who said computer's are not fun?

The weather this week has been wonderful. This inspired me to go up to the shop and work on the newest plane. Much has been accomplished but it still isn't ready. There are a few remaining jobs to complete before the maiden flight. Today, I'm going over to the field with the plane I was flying last year and give it a try.

Yesterday, Anne Marie and I went to the Spring Fling put on by the Master Gardeners. We heard a couple of interesting talks and saw a lot of new plants brought in by some of the local nurseries. Anne Marie noticed this morning that our azaleas are getting ready to bloom and that our fern appear to need water. I've turned on our drip system for the first time this year. Hopefully that will solve the problem. Our flower beds are in dire need of mulching but the last time I had it done they used 25 yards of mulch. That got expensive considering the labor required to haul and spread all this.

Welcome to daylight savings time!!



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